Peter, profile photo

Hello everyone, great news!

I have secured a place through CLCF for the kids' pickleball Clinic. It will be at CLCF gym at 970 Pontiac Ave, Cranston, RI.
Saturdays from November 25 - December 16th, 6-10 years old-younger group 4 to 6:00 p.m., 10-17 years old- older group 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. You can reserve spots for your kids or grandkids, as they will fill up very quickly. It's only up to 8 kids per/group.


Pickleball net for sale! Eric is selling his for $35. Please contact him at Eeklein48(miuku)gmail(piste)com(piste)He does not use this website, so won't see your responses. I don't know anything about the net. Please contact him for all questions at Eeklein48(miuku)gmail(piste)com


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Alexa, profile photo

Hi there! I am new to this site--got recommended to me on Facebook as I was looking for pick up or leagues near Providence. How does this work? I noticed it says bring nets, but I don't have any. does someone usually bring them?

Also, how are game times decided? I have a friend who would also like to join. We could play Sunday at 11 am (not 10), but not seeing that as an option.

Thanks for any and all info! Looking forward to playing with you all!


Welcome! Sent you an email to hopefully answer your questions.


People bring nets and happily share with others.however, by 11am the people who own the nets might be leaving.


Congrats to Julie W and Don D AND Tatiana P and Monique D for taking home medals from the Nutmeg Fall Classic in CT last weekend!

David, profile photo

Sat. 10/21 - Rain might hold off for a while. I'm here until 10-ish (or more rain, whichever comes first), have one court playable but could use a broom.